Shri Ganpati Piles Clinic, provides comprehensive and personalized treatment for fissure, piles, fistula and other proctological issues. Our clinic is led by Dr. Deveshwar Prasad, a highly qualified and experienced general surgeon and proctologist who is committed to providing the best possible care to our patients.
Our team of experienced doctors and staff use the latest technologies and procedures to ensure that our patients receive the most effective and pain-free treatment possible. Shri Ganpati Piles Clinic we believe in making our patients comfortable and informed throughout their treatment journey.
There is a feeling of a hard lump around the anus, which can be painful and may also bleed.
Feeling of incomplete bowel movement even after passing stool.
During bowel movement, there is a burning sensation with bright red, shiny blood.
Severe pain during bowel movements.
Itching, redness, and swelling around the anus.
Passing mucus or discharge during bowel movements.
Feeling the urge to pass stool frequently, but not being able to pass stool.
Stool is hard and difficult to pass.
हमारा उद्देश्य गुदा रोग समबंधित बीमारियों जैसे की पाइल्स फिशर भगन्दर इत्यादि रोगों का इलाज़ उच्च गुणवत्ता के साथ कम से कम समय और किफायती रूप से करना और समाज को लाभान्वित करना है, जिसके लिए हम आपकी सेवा में निरंतर कार्यरत है| जो व्यक्ति अपने भय और संकोच के कारण या किसी भी कारण इस रोग से पीडित है, उन तक हमारी सही जानकारी पहुचाना और उनके तकलीफों को दूर करना ही हमारा परम उद्देश्य है| पाइल्स फिशर भगन्दर इत्यादि रोग जो की मुख्यतः अनुचित खान पान जैसे अत्यधिक मसाले युक्त भोजन जंक फ़ूड रेड मीट मांस मदिरा के सेवन से होता है, कभी कभी यह आनुवंशिक भी हो सकता है| मुख्यतः इन बीमारियों का इलाज दवाइयों से संभव है यदि शुरुआत में ही इन बीमारियों का सही जांच और सही इलाज कर लिया जाये तो हमेशा ऑपरेशन की जरुरत नही होती| लेकिन बीमारी पुरानी हो जाने पर ऑपरेशन की जरुरत होती है, इसलिए यदि इनमे से गुदा रोग समबंधित किसी भी प्रकार का लक्षण हो तो हमसे संपर्क करे|
गुदा के आस-पास कठोर गांठ जैसी महसूस होती है। इसमें दर्द रहता है, तथा खून भी आ सकता है।
शौच के बाद भी पेट साफ न होने का आभास होना।
शौच के वक्त जलन के साथ लाल चमकदार खून का आना।
शौच के वक्त अत्यधिक पीड़ा होना।
गुदा के आस-पास खुजली, एवं लालीपन, व सूजन रहना।
शौच के वक्त म्यूकस या मवाद का आना।
बार-बार मल त्यागने की इच्छा होना, लेकिन त्यागते समय मल न निकलना।
मल का कठोर होना |
A proctologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the rectum, anus, and colon. They are also known as colorectal surgeons or colon and rectal surgeons. They receive extensive training in the surgical and non-surgical treatment of conditions such as hermorrhois, anal fissures, fistulas, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and other disorders of the lower gastrointestinal tract.
Our goal is to provide every patient high-quality and affordable treatment for anal-related diseases such as piles, fissures, fistulas, etc. in the shortest possible time. With the advancement in science and technology these diseases can be treated easily through laser treatment. Shri Ganpati Piles Clinic offers Laser surgery or laser treatment for anal-related issues such as (piles, fissures, fistulas) is free from all the painful processes like cuts, stitches, or every painful surgery.
Laser surgery is less invasive, no need to cut the tissue. There is no-postoperative pain and no blood loss during laser surgery. The anal sphincter is well-preserved. The chance of fecal incontinence is near to zero. The patient can resume his normal life within 1-2 days. The patient can be discharged on the same day.
Contact UsShri Ganpati Piles Clinic is the go-to destination for patients seeking advanced and effective fissure treatment in Raipur.
Non Surgical Piles treatment refers to the treatment of piles or hemorrhoids without the need of the surgery.
At Shri Ganpati Piles Clinic, we offer expert laser piles treatment in Raipur under the guidance of our experienced proctologist, Dr. Deveshwar Prasad.
If you are facing this disease, Shri Ganpati Piles Clinic offers the best Fistula treatment in Raipur among nearby locations.
At a Proctology clinic, our experienced proctologists provide comprehensive care for patients suffering from various proctology conditions.